Network Installations

We understand the problems that most companies face when installing a new network or upgrading their existing  one. On many occasions companies are driven by the needs of their line-of-business software (ERP / CRM) to upgrade or install an advanced business network. Unfortunately, they are usually advised by a company or individual with an agenda to sell hardware or more software, and the systems that they are sold tend to only address the immediate need or problem, with little or no general plan for the future. This usually ends up with the customer overpaying for restrictive systems with little or no expert preventative support. Most of the time, the systems that are sold, have the capabilities to offer much more to the customer, but due to a lack of incentive on behalf of the supplier, these capabilities will never be realised.


We take a different approach, performing a complete study of the present and future needs of our client and then offering our impartial, expert case study based on these exact needs. Our network architects have no bias as to what brand of hardware to offer, we offer only what will serve our customers the best within their budget. Our networks are always designed starting with some non-negotiable specifications such as : – maximum cost benefit efficiency – availability approaching 100% – maximum performance and security allowed by the equipment – minimum TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)

Network Implementation Studies


Remote Access Servers

Computer Room Installations

Fault Tolerance

Power Systems

Wireless Networks

Availability & Security

Security Auditing

Site-to-Site Secure VPN

IP / PABX systems

Network Expansion / Upgrade

Availability | 100% uptime


Availability | 100% uptime – Most networks will have many points of failure; we aim to eliminate as many of these as our customers’ budget permits. From server hardware redundancy, to backup internet connections and UPS / generator combinations, we provide solutions to the most common problems faced by today’s corporate networks. We utilise a vast array of modern technologies to try to eliminate downtime:-

Server hardware redundancy

  • RAID – Hard drive arrays aimed to eliminate problems arising from hardware failure of one or more hard drives
  • Multiple, redundant server power supplies
  • Multiple LAN connections to different switches
  • Virtualisation – Installing the server operating system on a virtual platform based on the server hardware. This allows the entire server operting system to be swapped out to a backup unit in case of catastrophic server hardware failure
  • Clustering – Similar to virtualisation, but provides an online server redundancy system – if one server fails, the other comes online automatically to replace it

Network equipment redundancy

  • Multiple redundant switches
  • Multiple redundant routers / internet gateways
  • Alternate internet providers (Wi-Fi, 3G/4G connections)
  • Multiple redundant firewalls


  • Centralised, monitored antivirus systems
  • Centralised security policy
  • Secure, password protected or encrypted file systems
  • Hardware firewall
  • Software firewall (PC’s / Servers)

Power supply backup

  • UPS
  • Generators

Data integrity

  • Full backups
  • Incremental backup sets
  • On-site / off-site backup solutions
Out of office?...In office!

Remote Access

Remote access – Why be at the office if you don’t need to be? – We integrate technologies from leading software manufacturers that facilitate secure, fast and highly available remote access systems for staff working off-site.

Any resources that would normally be available to them at the office are also provided to them remotely when they are off-site, enabling seamless collaboration with staff that is in the office, or indeed other remote workers.Remote access of this kind allows the remote worker to have, for instance, a copy of their company mailbox and files with them at all times, either via their smartphone or via web access – ensuring that whatever work they do while off-site will be instantly accessible to their co-workers at the company offices. This also removes any confusion and lost time synchronising files and comparing different copies of email folders once the remote worker returns.

Let’s all work together


Let’s all work together – Collaboration technologies enable companies’ staff to all work together seamlessly on projects without the losing time transferring files and printouts to each other, and without regular, lengthy project meetings.

The technologies that we introduce allow each project member to be assigned a particular task, all the while having a complete view of the progress that other members are making on their sections of the project. This enables the user to adapt their part of the project in real-time in order to “fit” better with the content that other users are working on.

Users can share common files with each other for reference, any changes or updates made to these files are available in real-time to all other users. Another advantage of collaboration technologies is that the project manager can have an instant view of the project as it is progressing, allowing them to make small changes in direction as they see fit, without waiting for the user to complete the project and them correcting what they need – everything is done in real-time.

Network Implementation Studies

The first step in implementing either a new data network, or upgrading / expansion of an already existing, is to understand the needs and financial possibilities of our customers to provide the most reliable and efficient solution, with growth potential in the future.

Cabling & Communication

Study of facilities for routing & installation of structured cabling, and wireless communication. In the case of multiple points (such as headquarters & branch offices), we design solutions for their interconnection through secure VPN tunnels, for maximum security and reliability of the interface.

Power supply

We check the stability and quality of the power supply from PPC and the potential need for a PC (generator) and the size of the UPS.

Internet provision

Internet line stability / speed and alternative link & backup solution solution (3G / 4G / satellite internet) for uninterrupted internet / interconnection between central & branch offices.


We check the need and potential of existing budgets for systems that ensure network availability - either entirely, or partially. It can take the form of "all in duplicate" or in the case of the server, virtualization - that multiple "virtual" servers coexist on a physical server machine.


Security is everything in the networks we set up, and we look at each network separately to provide the maximum permissible network security level. Several of our customers have special security needs that we adapt to their network.


We examine multiple backup methods - either online / onsite in the installation site, or online / offsite in a secure third party interface to provide the best possible solution to ensure the integrity of our customer's valuable data.


In every solution we offer, we give great ground to the future. We discuss with our client our growth and expansion plans to offer a solution that can be continuous and effective without major additional investment.
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